
Fees and levies

The work of the Offshore Infrastructure Regulator (OIR) is fully cost recovered through a combination of fees and levies collected from regulated entities. A fully cost recovered regime allows the OIR to deliver high quality regulatory services and ensure the costs of administering the regulatory framework are borne by industry.

Cost recovery

The mechanism for setting fees and levies is through the preparation of a Cost Recovery Implementation Statement (CRIS) that meets the requirements of the Australian Government Cost Recovery Guidelines.

Application and assessment fees and levies that the OIR collects are reflected in the respective Offshore Electricity Infrastructure (Regulatory Levies) Regulations 2022 and the Offshore Electricity Infrastructure Regulations 2022. Further information about regulatory fees and levies is available in our Regulatory fees and levies policy.

The OIR conducts regular reviews of its CRIS to ensure that cost recovery arrangements are adequate and that it can continue to effectively discharge its regulatory functions.

An application fee is due and payable when an application is made to the OIR. The fee charges are reflective of the effort and specialist skills required to manage the receipt of submissions, registration in the OIR’s management system and publication of applications where required.

Application fees are non-refundable. If an application is withdrawn, or the application is refused, the application fee will not be refunded.

For a full breakdown of application fees see the OIR’s Regulatory fees and levies policy.

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Assessment fees cover the costs incurred to assess the technical detail of each application. The cost-based rate is established with consideration to the hourly rate of OIR staff and is reviewed annually and inclusive of fixed corporate overheads.

The fee may include costs associate with specialist external advice where necessary.

If an application is withdrawn, or the application is refused, any assessment fees due will be invoiced.

The assessment fee is due when the OIR issues an invoice to the applicant. For extended assessments, invoicing will occur quarterly.

For a full breakdown of assessment fees see the OIR’s Regulatory fees and levies policy.

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Making payments to the OIR

Fee payments

Payment can be made by bank transfer to the below account:

National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority – Official Offshore Infrastructure Regulator 
BSB: 066-000 
Account Number: 131 533 04

Levy payments

The OIR will advise licence holders of their levy obligations by way of a levy notification. Levy notifications are administered to the relevant contact via email. Payment terms are in accordance with invoice. Please send any queries in relation to the levies to

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