
Learn more about the OEI Act framework

The Offshore Infrastructure Regulator (OIR) is continuing to increase our engagement with industry and other interested parties to build understanding of the Offshore Electricity Infrastructure Act 2021 (OEI Act) framework.

Offshore wind zone declared off WA

The Minister for Climate Change and Energy has declared an area for offshore wind off the coast of Bunbury, Western Australia. 

Consultation on cost recovery arrangements

The Offshore Infrastructure Regulator (OIR) is fully cost recovered through a combination of fees and levies collected from regulated entities.

Grant of first feasibility licences

Have your say on draft transmission and infrastructure licence guideline

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) is seeking feedback on the Draft Transmission and Infrastructure Licence Guideline and Application Content Guide.

Offshore renewables regulations – Have your say

The Australian Government has released an

Offshore wind zone declared in the Southern Ocean

The Offshore Infrastructure Registrar is now accepting feasibility licence applications for offshore wind projects in the Southern Ocean.

Located at least 15-20km from Victoria’s coast the third officially declared offshore wind zone could generate up to 2.9GW of offshore wind energy.

What are geotechnical investigations for offshore renewables?

Geotechnical investigations are typically conducted to inform the feasibility of project from a technical perspective.

FAQs for offshore renewables

The OIR has developed a series of frequently asked questions: Frequently Asked Questions | OIR

Geophysical investigations for offshore renewables

What’s involved with geophysical investigations for offshore renewables?

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